Learning from the crowd: Regression discontinuity estimates of the effects of an online review database

Authors Anderson, Magruder
Journal Economic Journal
Year 2012
Type Published Paper
Abstract Internet review forums increasingly supplement expert opinion and social networks in informing consumers about product quality. However, limited empirical evidence links digital word-of-mouth to purchasing decisions. We implement a regression discontinuity design to estimate the effect of positive Yelp.com ratings on restaurant reservation availability. An extra half-star rating causes restaurants to sell out 19 percentage points (49%) more frequently, with larger impacts when alternate information is more scarce. These returns suggest that restaurateurs face incentives to leave fake reviews but a rich set of robustness checks confirm that restaurants do not manipulate ratings in a confounding, discontinuous manner.
Keywords Sports events, media, Olympics, Olympic stocks, retail investors, valuation, fundamentals, comovement, categorization, investor sentiment, investor recognition, common factor, stay-at-home, meme
URL https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0297.2012.02512.x
Tags Archival Empirical  |   Consumer Decisions  |   Manager / Firm Behavior  |   Media and Textual Analysis