Waiting on a friend: Strategic learning and corporate investment

Authors Decaire, Wittry
Year 2021
Type Working Paper
Abstract Using detailed project-level data, we document a novel mechanism through which information externalities distort investment. Firms anticipate information spillover from peers' investment decisions and delay project exercise to learn from their peers' outcomes. To establish a causal interpretation of our results, we exploit local exogenous variation from the 1800s that shapes the number of peers that a firm can learn from today. The strategic learning incentive is most salient for projects with uncertain profitability, when peers' underlying assets are similar, and in environments where peers are skilled. Finally, our results suggest that the anticipation of peer information dampens aggregate investment.
Keywords Real options, strategic interactions, learning, peer behavior, investment, historical data
URL https://ssrn.com/abstract=3923811
Tags Archival Empirical  |   Manager / Firm Behavior