From financial history to history & finance
Authors | D'Acunto |
Year | 2017 |
Type | Working Paper | Literature Review Paper |
Abstract | Financial history studies facts and institutions of the past. Such facts and institutions are interesting subjects in themselves, or they can help us interpret the present through analogy. History & Finance reverses the role of history in finance research: it exploits natural experiments of the past as a means to directly explaining current financial outcomes through the long-run persistence of economic and social phenomena. I first define the History & Finance approach and its relationship to Economic and Financial history. Then, I survey the work based on History & Finance across the subfields of finance. I discuss the challenges raised by History & Finance, and how researchers have thus far tackled them. Finally, I comment on the avenues for future research that History & Finance opens to finance scholars and economic historians alike. |
Keywords | Historical facts, institutional backgrounds, natural experiments, history & finance |
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Tags | Asset Pricing, Trading Volume and Market Efficiency | Evolutionary Finance | Financing- and Investment Decisions (Individual) | Manager / Firm Behavior |