Teachers teaching teachers: The role of workplace peer effects in financial decisions

Authors Maturana, Nickerson
Journal Review of Financial Studies
Year 2018
Type Published Paper
Abstract This paper studies the role of workplace peers in the transmission of information pertinent to an important household financial decision: the mortgage refinancing choice. Exploiting commonalities in teaching schedules of school teachers in Texas to identify peer groups, we find that refinancing activity among teachers' peers increases their likelihood of refinancing by 20.7%. The effect of peers increases with the potential savings realized upon refinancing and is stronger among younger teachers. Peers also affect teachers' choice of lender. Overall, our findings suggest that peer interactions greatly reduce a household's cost of acquiring and processing financial information.
URL https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhy136
Tags Archival Empirical  |   Financing- and Investment Decisions (Individual)