Negative peer disclosure

Authors Cao, Fang, Lei
Journal Journal of Financial Economics
Year 2021
Type Published Paper
Abstract This paper provides first evidence of negative peer disclosure (NPD), an emerging corporate strategy to publicize adverse news of industry peers on social media. Consistent with NPDs being implicit positive self-disclosures, disclosing firms experience a two-day abnormal return of 1.6%-1.7% over the market and industry. Further exploring the benefits and costs of such disclosures, we find that NPD propensity increases with the degree of product market rivalry and technology proximity and disclosing firms outperform nondisclosing peers in the product markets in the year following NPDs. These results rationalize peer disclosure and extend the scope of the literature beyond self-disclosure.
Keywords Peer disclosure, spillover, product market rivalry, technology proximity, social media
Tags Archival Empirical  |   Asset Pricing, Trading Volume and Market Efficiency  |   Manager / Firm Behavior  |   Media and Textual Analysis