Personal financial advice and portfolio quality

Authors Balakina, Bäckman, Hackethal, Hanspal, Lammer
Year 2024
Type Working Paper
Abstract We document widespread use of personal financial advice among retail investors. Individuals seek competent and trusted sources for financial advice among their family and friends. Investors who provide advice to family and friends are positively selected and emphasize the reputational costs of giving risky financial advice. While previous studies have shown that advice shared on social media promotes active trading, we show that personal financial advice encourages investing in funds over single stocks. Our evidence complements the existing literature on financial advice in online social networks by highlighting differences in incentives and outcomes of advice to close personal connections.
Keywords Social finance, portfolio choice, investment behavior, peer effects
Tags Archival Empirical  |   Financing- and Investment Decisions (Individual)  |   Propagation of Noise / Undesirable Outcomes  |   Social Network Structure  |   Social Transmission Biases