Does firm investment respond to peers' investment?
Authors | Bustamante, Fresard |
Journal | Management Science |
Year | 2021 |
Type | Published Paper |
Abstract | We study whether, how, and why the investment of a firm depends on the investment of other firms in the same product market. Using an instrumental variable based on the presence of local knowledge externalities, we find a sizeable complementarity of investment among product market peers, holding across a large majority of sectors. Peer effects are stronger in concentrated markets, featuring more heterogeneous firms, and for smaller firms with less precise information. Our findings are consistent with a model in which managers are imperfectly informed about fundamentals and use peers' investments as a source of information. Product market peer effects in investment could amplify shocks in production networks. |
Keywords | Investment, peer effect, competition, agglomeration economies |
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Tags | Archival Empirical | Investment Decisions (Institutional) | Manager / Firm Behavior | Social Transmission Biases | Theory |